I have wanted to write this blog for a long time. Every time I start, I stop because I do not want it to sound like I know the answers and have everything figured out. I do not. I am still learning and growing. My goal for writing this is for you to take one piece of advice and implement it in your life.
One of the most rewarding parts of my job is staying connected with some of my players and students. Over the years while talking to some of you, I hear a common theme. Your twenties are exciting and fun, but are also complicated and confusing. If you feel this way, I promise you are not alone.
I listen to the struggles you have in finding a job that gives your purpose and enjoyment. I hear you when you tell me about the pressures of following society’s timelines. Some of you are dealing with the stress of climbing out of college debt, credit card debt and trying to find a home. The list goes on, and I hear you.
The advice I am going to share helped me navigate my twenties and still helps me today. I hope it will have the same impact on you as well.
1. Your friends and family do not always know what is in your best interest.
No one is against you. Your family and true friends do their best to give you the best advice they can give. BUT, THEY ARE NOT YOU. It could be a job, relationship, or difficult decision that needs to happen. The advice that they tell you is what is most comfortable to them.
They do not want to see you fail or struggle, so they give you advice that keeps you in your comfort zone. However, only you know how things make you feel. Learn to listen to your instincts and have faith to follow them. When you start to be true to yourself and listen to your instincts, you will be amazed at the opportunities and fulfillment that follow.
2. Pick one social media outlet and enjoy it.
You can not stay up to date on all the different social media platforms, and be honest with yourself that you are using your time wisely. Ask yourself, is social media robbing my time and energy? If the answer is yes, start deleting one at a time. I remember when I was twenty-six I deleted my Facebook. It was challenging to do. I had a fear that I was going to miss out on updates from friends and events. However, what happened was people would send me updates individually if it was important to them.
After that, I deleted another social media platform and continued until I only had one. Each time I deleted a platform, I noticed how it freed up time in my day and mind. I do enjoy Instagram, and it is the platform I use to stay connected. I am not saying to be anti-social media, but ask yourself if you are using it wisely? What platform can you cut out to free up more of your time and energy?
3. Happiness comes and goes. Learn to understand that and be okay with it.
We are flooded with cliche statements about happiness. Some are: “Do what makes you happy,” or “Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.” That list of phrases is endless. It can trick you to believe if you are not happy all the time, you are doing something wrong. The truth is happiness comes and goes, and the lows help you to enjoy the highs. If you are searching for constant happiness you will be disappointed. Try to change the phase from, “Do what makes you happy,” to “Find what gives you purpose and meaning.”
4. Goals are great…until they are not!
Do not be afraid to change a goal when it no longer serves you. It is easy to let your ego get in the way and tell yourself if it is not accomplished, you failed. You feel you have to accomplish this goal because you told people about it, or made a promise to yourself. It makes you feel like a failure if you don’t reach the goal. So, you continue to push forward, even though the goal is no longer a desire. Allow yourself to change and pivot your goals based on if it is still serving you. Only you will know this, and only you will feel if a goal is no longer for you.
5. READ.
There are books out there for everything: finances, relationships, health & wellness, starting a business, dealing with loss, etc. The list goes on and on. You are one book away from learning something that can help change your life. The right book can spark an idea that will inspire you. You can listen to it, or physically read it, but find time to read.
6. Pray, Meditate, Be Mindful.
Do not get caught up in what you call it. Call it what you want, but find time to be alone with your thoughts. This world is filled with noise and chatter. It is important to find time to be alone with your thoughts. Do not put a time length on it. Start small, but sit in silence and listen to your inner voice. When you find time to do this you will notice following your instincts becomes more clear. I fought doing this for years, but finding time to pray changed my life (a story for another day).
7. Believe in your gift.
We all have a gift. It is something that comes naturally to us. It is something we do a little better than other people. Let your gift guide you and open doors for you.
Final Thoughts
As you read this, I hope you found something helpful and practical that you implement in your life. I think about my former students and players often. I am always cheering for you. Be your biggest fan and believe in yourself. I am excited to see you do amazing things in this world.
Coach Yano
1 Comment
Cameron Denney · July 28, 2021 at 6:06 pm
Hey Coach this helped a lot. Just changed careers and was very worried about it. The advice given here was immensely helpful. Going to continue pursuing my gift!
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